Download a copy of this year's conference programme and learning resource using the links below.
Conference Theme
The title of our 2023 conference was Intersectionality+, and considered how best the ambulance service can meet the needs of people with multiple protected characteristics as well demystifying the LGBTTQQIAAP acronym. If all that sounds ambitious we also looked at the role of allies in supporting the development of services and creating supporting environments for staff. We asked each Ambulance Trust to identify delegates from three specific groups to attend the conference. These were:
- LGBT+ staff
- People of influence
- Aspiring allies
The first day of the conference took the form of a traditional conference with keynote speakers and breakout workshops. The second day aimed to be more informal and provided a wide range of different learning experiences to engage with. We are delighted that the National Ambulance BME Forum and National Ambulance Disability Network took part in the event to broaden the scope of the subject matter.